
How has JINYOU contributed to the environmental protection cause in China?

We have been dedicated to the environmental protection cause in China since our establishment in 1983, and we have achieved significant results in this field.

We were the first few enterprises to design and build bag dust collectors in China, and our projects have successfully reduced industrial air pollution.

We were also the first to independently develop the PTFE membrane technology in China, which is essential to high efficiency and low operation costs filtration.

We introduced 100% PTFE filter bags to the waste incineration industry in 2005 and following years to replace fiberglass filter bags. PTFE filter bags have by now been proven to be more capable and have longer service life under challenging working conditions.

We are still focusing on protecting our Earth now. Not only are we digging deeper into new dust control technologies, but we also focus on the sustainability of our own factory. We independently designed and installed an oil recovery system, installed a photovoltaic system, and have third-party safety tests on all the raw materials and products.

Our dedication and professionalism enable us to make the Earth cleaner and our lives better!

Do JINYOU's PTFE products meet the criteria regarding REACH, RoHS, PFOA, PFOS, etc?

Yes. We have all products tested in third-party laboratories so that we can ensure they are free of such harmful chemicals.

If you have any concerns regarding specific products, please contact us for more information. Rest assured that all our products are tested in third-party laboratories to ensure they are free of harmful chemicals such as REACH, RoHS, PFOA, PFOS, etc.

How does JINYOU keep products from hazardous chemicals?

Hazardous chemicals such as heavy metals not only make the final products unsafe to use but also endanger our employees’ health during the production process. Hence, we have a strict quality control process when any raw materials are received in our factory.

We ensure that our raw materials and products are free from hazardous chemicals such as heavy metals by implementing a strict quality control process and conducting third-party tests.

How does JINYOU reduce energy consumption during production?

We launched our business in the furtherance of environmental protection, and we are still acting in the spirit of it. We have installed a 2MW photovoltaic system that can generate 26 kW·h of green electricity each year.

In addition to our photovoltaic system, we have implemented various measures to reduce energy consumption during production. These include optimizing our production processes to minimize waste and reduce energy usage, using energy-efficient equipment and technologies, and regularly monitoring and analyzing our energy consumption data to identify areas for improvement. We are committed to continuously improving our energy efficiency and reducing our environmental impact.

How does JINYOU save resources during production?

We understand that all resources are too precious to be wasted, and it’s our responsibility to save them during our production. We have independently designed and installed an oil recovery system to retrieve the reusable mineral oil during PTFE production.

We also recycle discarded PTFE wastes. Although they cannot be used again in our own production, they are still useful as fillings or other applications.

We are committed to achieving sustainable production and minimizing resource consumption by implementing measures such as our oil recovery system and recycling discarded PTFE wastes.